About Us
V.I.P. Champs aims to provide young children a platform where they can comminicate and learn to express themselves at many levels. Playing is an essential part of this learning process and is used to extend their boundaries through which children begin to understand themselves and the world around them. We make an edeavor to build a foundation of character through play and activities, music and events, story and rhymes, experience and observation, interaction and conversation.
IDP is one of Ahmedabad's Newest and most exciting schools for boys and girls, located in the prestigious satellite area. The school offers the finest educational opportunities in a friendly, caring and high achieving environment. The process of learning is not just text books centric as it involves projects, educational visits, various activities, dramatization and creative tools. We trained staff who believe in the words. "If you don't learn the way I teach, I teach the way you learn.
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